Economic Dispatch

Economic Dispatch#

Economic dispatch is the process of deciding the most optimal economic dispatch strategy from a given generator portfolio to reliably meet power demand (load).

1. Load packages and useful definitions

  • We are using the gurobipy package to formulate a mathematical model and solve it.

# import required packages

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

import gurobipy as gp
from gurobipy import GRB

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# some helpful definitions

gen_colors = {
    "Hydro": "#1f78b4",  # Deep Blue
    "Nuclear": "#e31a1c",  # Red
    "Coal": "#8b4513",  # Dark Brown
    "Gas CC": "#8e44ad",  # Medium Purple
    "Gas CT": "#a569bd",  # Light Purple
    "Oil CT": "#4d4d4d",  # Dark Gray
    "Wind": "#6baed6",  # Light Sky Blue
    "PV": "#ff7f00"  # Bright Orange

def print_gp_status(m):
    status = m.Status
    if status == GRB.OPTIMAL:
        print("The model is optimal.")
    elif status == GRB.INFEASIBLE:
        print("The model is infeasible.")
    elif status == GRB.UNBOUNDED:
        print("The model is unbounded.")
        print(f"Optimization ended with status {status}.")
    return status

2. Read and prepare data

  • The data is simplified generator data. We have entries for each type of generator (not generator unit specific).

  • It includes cost data, fixed cost and variable cost. It also includes technical limitations like the installed amount, minimum generation levels, ramping rates, minimum down time and minimum up time (minimum run time).

# read the data
data_file = "ts_and_gen.xlsx"
load_and_res_data = pd.read_excel(data_file, sheet_name=0)
gen_data = pd.read_excel(data_file, sheet_name=1)
# inspect the data
Unit Type Fixed Cost USD/kW Variable Cost USD/MWh Installed in MW PMin in MW Ramp Rate in MW /hr Min Down Time Hr Min Up Time Hr
0 Nuclear 8000 3 3000 2650 300 48 24
1 Oil CT 1200 50 2000 400 1500 1 1
2 Coal 3000 10 5000 1750 2000 10 10
3 Hydro 3000 2 3000 0 3000 0 0
4 Gas CC 1000 25 15000 7500 2500 4 8
5 Gas CT 800 35 3000 600 9000 2 2
# prepare data for economic dispatch

# generator data
gen_type = gen_data['Unit Type'].to_numpy()
mc = gen_data['Variable Cost USD/MWh'].to_numpy()
Pmax = gen_data['Installed in MW'].to_numpy()
R60 = gen_data['Ramp Rate in MW /hr'].to_numpy()
n_gen = len(gen_type)

# load data
load = load_and_res_data['CAISO (MW)'].to_numpy()
n_t = len(load)

# Res data
wind = load_and_res_data['10 000 MW Onshore Wind'].to_numpy()
pv = load_and_res_data['15 000 MW Solar PV'].to_numpy()
curt_pen = 0 # $/MWh

3. Inspect data

  • We can see the very typical duck curve (area between load and net-load looks like a duck). The net load is the load subtracted by RES production (in this case Wind and PV).

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
ax.plot(load, label="load", color="black")
ax.plot(wind, label="wind", color="blue")
ax.plot(pv, label="pv", color="orange")
ax.plot(load-wind-pv, label="net load", color="black", ls="--")
ax.set_ylabel("Power [MW]")

4. Define mathematical model We implement the following economic dispatch with renewable energy generation (RES).

Objective function:

  • Minimize the sum of cost of generation \(C_t^{\text{gen}}\) and curtailment \(C_t^{\text{curt}}\) over time T.

Decision variables:

  • \(p_{i,t}^{\text{c}}\) production of conventional generator i in t.

  • \(p_{i,t}^{\text{w}}\) production of wind generator i in t.

  • \(p_{i,t}^{\text{pv}}\) production of PV i in t.


  • Generation cost \(C_t^{\text{gen}}\) is equal to the cost function \(c_i(p^{\text{c}}_{i,t})\)

  • Curtailment cost \(C_t^{\text{curt}}\) is equal to the difference between the RES production limit \(\overline{P}_{i,t}^{\text{w}}\), \(\overline{P}_{i,t}^{\text{pv}}\) and the realized production of RES \(p_{i,t}^{\text{w}}\), \(p_{i,t}^{\text{pv}}\).

  • The sum of generation needs to equal the demand \(D_t\) in each t.

  • Generator output needs to be greater or equal to 0 and smaller or equal to their respective production limits, which are time-dependent t for RES.

  • Conventional generators have ramping constraints, which limits how much their generation \(p_{i,t}^{\text{c}}\) can change up or down from one time step to the next. It is limit by \(R_i^{\text{60}}\).

(3)#\[\begin{align} \min \quad & \sum_{t=1}^T C_t^{\text{gen}} + C_t^{\text{curt}} \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & C_t^{\text{gen}} = \sum_{i \in [G]} c_i(p^{\text{c}}_{i,t}) && \forall t \in [T] \\ & C_t^{\text{curt}} = c^{\text{curt}} \Big[ \sum_{i \in W} (\overline{P}_{i,t}^{\text{w}} - p_{i,t}^{\text{w}}) + \sum_{i \in [PV]} (\overline{P}_{i,t}^{\text{pv}} - p_{i,t}^{\text{pv}}) \Big] && \forall t \in [T] \\ & \sum_{i \in [G]} p_{i,t}^{\text{c}} + \sum_{i \in [W]} p_{i,t}^{\text{w}} + \sum_{i \in [PV]} p_{i,t}^{\text{pv}} = D_t && \forall t \in [T] \\ & 0 \leq p_{i,t}^{\text{c}} \leq \overline{P}_{i} && \forall i \in [G] \\ & 0 \leq p_{i,t}^{\diamond} \leq \overline{P}_{i,t}, \quad \diamond=\{\text{w, pv}\} && \forall i \in [G] , t \in [T] \\ & |p_{i,t}^{\text{c}} - p_{i,t-1}^{\text{c}} | \leq R_i^{\text{60}} && \forall i \in [G], t \in [T] \end{align}\]
# write the ED model
m = gp.Model()
m.setParam("OutputFlag", 0)

# add variables
p = m.addVars(n_gen, n_t, lb=0, ub=GRB.INFINITY, name="p")
p_wind = m.addVars(n_t, lb=0, ub=GRB.INFINITY, name="p_wind")
p_pv = m.addVars(n_t, lb=0, ub=GRB.INFINITY, name="p_pv")

# energy balance
m.addConstrs((sum(p[i,t] for i in range(n_gen)) + p_wind[t] + p_pv[t] == load[t] for t in range(n_t)), name="energy_balance")

# generator constraints
for t in range(n_t):
    for i in range(n_gen):
        # maximum generation
        m.addConstr(p[i,t] <= Pmax[i])
        # ramping
        if t>0:
            m.addConstr(p[i,t] - p[i,t-1] <= R60[i])
            m.addConstr(p[i,t-1] - p[i,t] <= R60[i])

# RES constraints
for t in range(n_t):
    m.addConstr(p_wind[t] <= wind[t])
    m.addConstr(p_pv[t] <= pv[t])
# objective
gen_cost = sum(sum(mc[i]*p[i,t] for i in range(n_gen)) for t in range(n_t))
curt_cost = sum(curt_pen* ((pv[t]-p_pv[t]) + (wind[t]-p_wind[t])) for t in range(n_t))
    gen_cost + curt_cost, GRB.MINIMIZE

# run
Set parameter Username
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5. Inspect the solution and plot the dispatch

# Check the status of the solver

# Objective value
objective = m.ObjVal
print(f"Objective value {objective/1e6:.3f} M$.\n")

# prodcution plot
p_res = {type: [m.getVarByName(f"p[{i},{t}]").X for t in range(n_t)] for (i,type) in enumerate(gen_type)}
p_res['Wind'] = [m.getVarByName(f"p_wind[{t}]").X for t in range(n_t)]
p_res['PV'] = [m.getVarByName(f"p_pv[{t}]").X for t in range(n_t)]

wind_curt_res = wind - np.array(p_res['Wind'])
pv_curt_res = pv - np.array(p_res['PV'])
print(f"A total of {sum(wind_curt_res):.2f} MWh wind were curtailed.")
print(f"A total of {sum(pv_curt_res):.2f} MWh PV were curtailed.")

# plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
x = np.arange(24)
color_list = [gen_colors[g] for g in list(p_res.keys())]
ax.stackplot(x, list(p_res.values()), labels=list(p_res.keys()), colors=color_list);
ax.plot(load, linewidth=3, color='black', label='Load')
ax.set_ylabel("Generation [MW]")
ax.legend(ncols=5, loc="lower center", bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.23));
The model is optimal.

Objective value 2.460 M$.

A total of 10980.62 MWh wind were curtailed.
A total of 5392.55 MWh PV were curtailed.