Basic Capacity Planning

Basic Capacity Planning#

Capacity planning is the process of figuring out the optimal amount of electricity generation capacity needed to reliably meet future demand within a power grid.

1. Load packages

  • We are using the gurobipy package to formulate a mathematical model and solve it.

import gurobipy as gp
from gurobipy import GRB
import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

2. Define parameters





Number of generators



Number of hours



Number of segments in piecewise load duration curve



Fixed cost

[140, 120]


Variable cost

[0.0238, 0.0336]


slope of piecewise load duration curve in GW

[-0.003, -0.0004427]


intercepts of piecewise load duration curve in GW

[15, 8.728]

# high cap (HC) and low cap (LC) cost functions
# in M$/GW 
G = 2
H = 8760
fixed = [140, 120] # HC LC
varia = [0.0238, 0.0336] # HC LC

# piecewise load duration curve in GW
ldc_m = [-0.003, -0.0004427] # slope 
ldc_n = [15, 8.628] # intercepts

3. Define mathematical model

Objective function:

  • Minimize the sum cost \(c_i\), which depends on the capacity \(\overline{p}_{i}\) and production \(p_{i,h}\) of each generator i.

Decision variables:

  • \(p_{i,h}\) production of generator i in hour h.

  • \(\overline{p}_{i}\) capacity of generator i.


  • The cost \(c_i\) is equal to the fixed cost \(FC_{i}\) multiplied by the capacity \(\overline{p}_{i}\) and the variable cost \(VC_{i}\) multiplied by the production \(p_i\).

  • The sum of capacity \(\overline{p}_{i}\) needs to be greater equal to the load duration curve.

  • The output of each generator \(p_i\) has to greater equal to \(0\) and cannot exceed \(\overline{p}_{i}\).

(2)#\[\begin{align} \min \quad & \sum_{i=1}^{G} c_i \hspace{-4cm}\\ \text{s.t.}\quad & c_i = \left( FC_{i} \overline{p}_{i} + \sum_{h=1}^{H} VC_i p_{i,h} \right) && \forall h \in [H] \\ & \sum_{i=1}^{G} p_{i,h} \geq ldcm_{o}*h + ldcn_{o} && \forall h \in [H], o=1,2 \\ & 0 \leq p_{i,h} \leq \overline{p}_{i} && \forall i \in [G] , h \in [H] \end{align}\]
m = gp.Model()
m.setParam('OutputFlag', 0)

cost = m.addVars(G, name="cost") # $
cap = m.addVars(G, name="cap") # installed capacity in GW
p = m.addVars(G, H, name="p") # hourly generator utilization

for i in range(G):
    # compute total cost 
    m.addConstr(cost[i] == fixed[i]*cap[i] + varia[i]*sum(p[i,h] for h in range(H)))
    for h in range(H):
        m.addConstr(p[i,h] <= cap[i])
for h in range(H):
    for o in range(G):
        # production must at least meet demand
        m.addConstr(sum(p[i,h] for i in range(G)) >= ldc_m[o]*h + ldc_n[o])

m.setObjective(cost.sum(), GRB.MINIMIZE)

Set parameter Username
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4. Inspect the solution

print(f"High cap generation capacity in GW: {m.getVarByName('cap[0]').X:.2f}")
print(f"Low cap generation capacity in GW:  {m.getVarByName('cap[1]').X:.2f}")
High cap generation capacity in GW: 8.88
Low cap generation capacity in GW:  6.12